"love what you do, put your heart into it and you will be rewarded"... by a.morse, founding father of kiehl's
黑哨!! 頂... 南華四強止步... 不過現場睇真係好正, 有無試過現場聽個球證俾三萬人一齊"小"....
excited! 10 days to go... for my new toy!
good for working as the team today... hope it can last for long...
funny about the chat with the taxi driver on his way home... yes, 無目標同條鹹魚無分別!! thanks for the inspiration by the talkative taxi driver!
I can do better... shall go for a change again
you are back finally after 11 years. Welcome home my friend!
又一次球證改寫賽果... 補4分鐘點解5分半都唔吹完場? 係咪球證買左佢嬴? 頂.........