There are no stupid question Ra, yg ada cuma stupid people. Jadi stupid people tiba2 jadi pinter pas mau nanya? lalu hening
SHOUTOUT t o s i dewa l k s f o r ke ep i ng me of f t he s t r e e t s
I wish dicks have a power indicator too ya? Jadi ada tulisannya gitu, 30%. Begitu tinggal 2% lsg dibawa ke On Clinic
To some people books such "how to win friends" should be classified into fictions.
When people tells u "I'd be more than happy to do that for u", do they do the things for u crying? I mean, what's more than happy?
Motivasi itu harus timbul dari dalam. Belajarlah dari para pria akan hal ini. Motivasi mereka sering muncul dari dalam. Dalam celana.
<---- Sedang dalam upaya menerangkan senam kegel ke GBU coworkers
How can a possum be sure whether her/his spouse is really dead or not?
Bluebird of happiness. So in case you have some bruises on your dick...
it freaks me out. Especially when GBU told me "disana kita akan menyembah/menyanyi u Tuhan selamanya" (((SELAMANYA)))