6Friends 11Fans
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
drinking coffee at night.
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
going to bed!
greciangoldsmith says
16 years ago
"The poem must resist the intelligence / almost successfully." -Wallace Stevens
greciangoldsmith has
16 years ago
blogged about her newest creation: greciangoldsmith.blogspo...
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
listing new items on her Etsy shop.
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
trying to wake up. Coffee to the rescue!
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
amazed at how cool plurk is!
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago 2
trying to figure out how Plurk works!
greciangoldsmith is
16 years ago
New to Plurk!