7Friends 4Fans
graphiquillan is
16 years ago
ready for the knackers yard tonight
16 years ago 1
This timeline is a bit of an arse if you haven't been keeping up every minute of the past several hours.
graphiquillan has
16 years ago 2
brought buggering about and avoiding work to a higher plane tonight
graphiquillan is
16 years ago
wondering when tonight's race will end as the legs are getting a bit jaded
graphiquillan is
16 years ago 5
liking the notifications in menubar. In the lead again, come on, girlie! (LOL)
graphiquillan will
16 years ago
win this gee gee race, dammit!
graphiquillan thinks
16 years ago 2
plurk's a bit like that Grand National race you find at the seaside. I'm winning! Get me!
graphiquillan thinks
16 years ago
she needs to sharpen some pencils or do something else quite basic right now
graphiquillan is
16 years ago
wondering how a decent history of plurks on here might destroy your vision
16 years ago
blames bounder for this..... bad bounder, in your bed!