13Friends 1Fans
female Malang, Indonesia
fatilalol thinks
5 years ago
Plurk, it seems like nobody’s care enough in my eyes. I have my friends but still feeling the emptiness in my heart. Nothing warms my heart anymore, it’s a deadass organ now.
5 years ago
this is hard.
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
jadi akhirnya aku confess lah ke orang yang aku taksir ini.. udah bikin paragraf berhari-hari.. akhirnya aku send deh ke dia, cuma direspon "wahh bagus kata-katanya hehhe" dan yang lebih parah dia gatau dong kalo itu adalah confession text :')))) malah dikira itu text perpisahan :-)
5 years ago
he always responds to my text, that is confusing. If he doesn't even like me, why bother to respond to my text? I would rather understand if he tells me to fuck off than to response all of my text but don't have any possibility to move forward :-(
5 years ago
I think the reason why he's so kind to me because of my recent condition (that I wouldn't tell what).
5 years ago
tapi semakin kesini, my feelings toward him have been developed :-( tapi kebalikannya semakin kesini kok aku semakin merasa that he build this type of barrier so that I couldn't cross the line.
5 years ago
from the way, he sees the world to the way he thinks its so new to me, and he made me mesmerized with it.
5 years ago
jujur awalnya itu gak ada pikiran sampe kesitu, he such a nice guy and different from any other man I've known.
5 years ago
sooo... I have this 'thing' with a guy I met online..
5 years ago
terakhir ngeplurk 5 tahun yang lalu... masih MTs... jujur jijik baca plurk yg dulu :-(