Glam Bam Boa
362Friends 168Fans
female Trenton, NJ, United States
Aspiring Burlesque Madame, Amateur Pose Maker, Avid nudist.

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Glam Bam Boa shares
11 years ago 4
a new blog post after hitting a bit of a wall! Coring is not so boring.Coring is not so boring.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago 6
i can't stop playing this fucking hilarious video LOL TAYLOR SWIFT-I Knew You Were Trouble (GOAT VERSION)
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
puts it all out there today: Trigger Aint Just the Name of A Horse.Trigger Ain't Just the Name of A Horse.
Glam Bam Boa shares
11 years ago 5
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
online surveys folks! I've been signed up on Honest Insite for years and I can attest to the validity of monetary compensation. :-) You shuld sign up too!
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago 10
Dr. Cleavorkian = providing a service to end the life of an individual through the act of motorboating epic boobage. codie (K)
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago 21
so i am trying not to lose hope in love right now. It seems dating older divorced men with kids isn't working for me. We are in different places in our lives. Where are all the 35 year old single menfolk!?
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago 9
just a are human. :-) You Are Human.You Are Human.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago 4
knows you all love a good news story...what are your thoughts about yoga balls used in the classroom instead of chairs? Yoga Ball Use in the ClassroomYoga Ball Use in the Classroom