글래디스 (L)
87Friends 23Fans
글래디스 (L)
13 years ago
Tmd , imma go sleep now :-)
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
I've not been tweeting for so long
글래디스 (L)
13 years ago
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
i miss babyy :'/\
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
continuous sneezing do kill .-.
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
i love you once more time but will you betray my love for you again ?
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
i'm drinking KOI :-D goodness ^^V thanks DORIS & JACQI <3
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
KOI on the way :-D
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
you just simply seems so can't be bothered ,/3
글래디스 (L) says
13 years ago
finally , last day of N level tomorrow after that i shall find a job if can't then slack all day and go out play like mad ^^V