Mr Ghosty
79Friends 66Fans
male Secondlife, United States
General nuisance. Sasquatch Afficinado. Designer. Photographer.

Used to run a store called BOTHER. (hope to make a comeback) but for now just back to taking SL pictures and getting up to stuff. Happily married to Willow Caldera in RL/SL.
Mr Ghosty
4 days ago 2
Taps mic Is this thing still on?
Mr Ghosty shares
12 years ago 5
Best. Owl. Evar. Evil OwlEvil Owl
Mr Ghosty shares
13 years ago
Mr Ghosty shares
13 years ago 1
Mr Ghosty shares
13 years ago 2
I'm doing my part to stop SOPA. BOTHER. Does NOT support SOPA
Mr Ghosty has
13 years ago 7
been naughty and not plurked in some time. Forgive me?
Mr Ghosty says
13 years ago 2
Good morning all!
Mr Ghosty asks
13 years ago 14
Do any store owners have issues with their product boxes keeping the right perms once placed in the vendor boxes?