5Friends 51Fans
male Dallas, TX, United States
georgedearing says
13 years ago
"Pay teachers more" -- [NYT]
georgedearing says
13 years ago
just met the team kidbombay -- take a look icebreakerapp's mobile networking service
georgedearing says
13 years ago
hope to see some of you at The Entrepreneur's Lounge at #fogo4 in a bit -- #SXSW
georgedearing says
13 years ago
morning from Austin -- and welcome to all of our #SXSW visitors!
georgedearing says
13 years ago
saw #Hashable pushed out an update to its iPhone app - looks ready to use as the paperless biz card solution for #SXSW
georgedearing says
13 years ago
getting a shitload of deal-oriented followers on Twitter..go away please
georgedearing says
13 years ago
good morning from Austin..hope everyone's week gets off to a good start
georgedearing says
13 years ago
Old age ain't for sissies -- #bumpersticker
georgedearing says
13 years ago
Charlie Sheen Quotes As New Yorker Cartoons --
georgedearing says
13 years ago
writing about my talk w/ a web content management CEO - he wanted to talk about 2 things: cloud computing & mobility.