5Friends 51Fans
male Dallas, TX, United States
georgedearing says
13 years ago
good day everyone..hope your Thursday is going well
georgedearing says
13 years ago
working in podio with DanKeldsen now...he also intro'ed me to Google Wave..let's hope the former fairs better
georgedearing says
13 years ago
Murdoch's The Daily should consult Bloomberg+BusWeek for improvements on its iPad's solid
georgedearing says
13 years ago
not sure which one I'm more excited about -- Windows 8 app store or Internet Explorer 10...zzzzz
georgedearing says
13 years ago
good day from Austin...hope everyone has a good Tuesday.
georgedearing says
13 years ago
good morning from Austin...hope everyone's Friday is off to a good start
georgedearing says
13 years ago
might want to actually look at your daily before pushing to Twitter - 1 from a legit biz guy was all crap from affiliate marketers
georgedearing says
13 years ago
strong app & developer ecosystem=key to tablet success says Gartner / FT highlights #iPad /
georgedearing says
13 years ago
it's not that ironic that I can't get AdAge to quit sending me email
georgedearing says
13 years ago
Storify -- having a tough time pulling in the timeline for a Twitter List...any documented issues? Thanks.