我要Be mature♥
26Friends 4Fans
female Chiayi City , Taiwan
Don't lie to each other.
Please treat others with sincerity.
Somethihg good,
something bad;
something glad,
something sad.

It's all up to yourself:-)
我要Be mature♥
12 years ago 51
哈哈!!!!! :-D
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago 2
凍結卡馬了! :-) 統測加油 掰掰
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
YO 加油加油95天!
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
每天作息好規律 早上7:30準時大便
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
魔訓第五天!! 總算神遊了... 明天要認真阿!!
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago 1
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago
我要Be mature♥
13 years ago