3Friends 0Fans
female Lake Mills, WI, United States
7 years ago 2
Well, great. I think things are finally settling down and my phone stopped charging and died overnight. ;_;
7 years ago

Best. Christmas. Sweater. Ever.
7 years ago 3

I think I'm laying on the couch, but I AM the couch. The couch is me.

So sayeth the almighty Black Slinky Kitty!
7 years ago 5
Ahhhh my smoke detector decided this would be the day the battery gets too low and oh, the beeping. THE BEEPING.
7 years ago 1
I never want to put together another piece of IKEA furniture ever again.
7 years ago
I am moving this weekend, I am so not prepared, I don't have much help, I have a possibly broken toe, traffic to work is worse than usual due to construction on 2/3 routes and extra traffic on the third because of some big conference, and my uterus decided now was the time to wig out.

This week can suck a dick.
7 years ago
Yesterday I was scanning in a client's previous records, in this case from an adoption agency. There was an intake sheet to assess health, and Every. Single. Instance of "normal" was spelled wrong. It was this big long list of "Noraml". Every time. In comic sans.

The designer in me died a bit after that one.
7 years ago 4
People that want to be in the room while their male dog is jacked off and the female artificially inseminated are super weird.

~just vet receptionist things~
7 years ago
I haven't been able to find my lip balm for DAYS and I've been neeeeding it. Just found one today and OMG BLISS.
7 years ago
Oh god, tfw you wake up in a panic thinking you'll be late for work... bitch today you don't work until 10. Like every Wednesday for the past four months. Chill.

What a way to start the day.