43Friends 58Fans
galeaya shares
10 years ago 6
tripped and fell to my knees. hard. sigh, this is what I get for memorizing cases while walking along uneven ground. tsk tsk.
galeaya shares
10 years ago 9

I tried finding the real deal, but all I could dig up was this. I swear there was a manga like this... BomberDRufi
galeaya shares
10 years ago 37
Fell asleep while eating. Bro took a pic. You can't see it here but there's sauce on my face.
galeaya shares
10 years ago 10
Rule 34.3 If it exists, there's an app for it.
Apparently we weren't the only ones with that stickmen!Titan idea.
galeaya shares
10 years ago 49
is tired. sleepy. hungry. craving one piece. but there are readings awaiting me. T-T.
galeaya shares
10 years ago 26
feels too lazy to read anything about alternative dispute resolution. =_=
galeaya shares
10 years ago 1
let's get together sometime soon again, and avenisamamasgirl_2190 let's take a pic with us too! ☆
10 years ago 68
re-establishing my karma. awa wonder how long it's going to take this time. ☆
14 years ago 1
: dead