I prefer facebook than plurk. Plurk ain't that user friendly.
oh, I am forgetting my swimming membership is about to expired...gotta go again soon.
天空之城是我最喜好的日本卡通. 我喜歡冒險的故事, 主角在天空之城上油青的草原上有一種讓人渾然忘我的寧靜, 這是本人嚮往的世界. 人造的叢林都市我一點都沒興趣, 還是要回到大自然的懷抱裡.
Another bundle of game shall arrive imminently. Hope Shadow Hunter comes out soon so I can order my next bundle.
Swimming is next. Who wants to tag along?
Tango ain't too bad. Jennifer...I like her style. I will dance like there is not tomorrow in the very near future. haha
One more lesson and then Game Theory will be done. What courses should I buy next?
My brother gives me an epiphany today about the Dos and the Don'ts about group dynamic concoction. Time was well spent.