Gabe Bookmite
672Friends 161Fans
Missoula, MT, United States
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 2
Good thing is there seems to be three monthly events for 'more masculine' avatars so yay
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 4
So today I had my appointment with the physiatrist and I got my diagnoses. And I am upset. To kinda quote Fallout Boy. It was more than I bargained for yah.
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 3
Happy weedmas to those who partake! Me? No, last time I tried I got too aware over the fact we don't have rearview windows in the back of our head which makes our designs as people not the greatest
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago
Our eldest dog isn't going to well. We spent 5 hours at the emery vet last night. They told us they couldn't give us a solid reason why she was acting so lethargic and weak.
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 2
So mother’s day is coming up and my mom got a cat last year that she loves so for Mother’s Day I commissioned an artist to do this
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 2
Hi I am 31 and I still have a hard time spelling beautiful :-D
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 1
There are train tracks on the sim my house is on and I went to follow them hoping to come across a station. No luck as of yet
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 2
So I was suppose to have an hour long psychiatry appointment today to try to get official diagnoses for ADD/ADHD and depression. It was suppose to be at 3PM over the phone. At 3:10PM I call them because IDK Maybe I was suppose to call them. Turns out the doctor called in sick
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago 2
note to self, set your home tp point IN your house not at the front doors
Gabe Bookmite
3 years ago
Who ever invented leg day at the gym, your mom’s stupid! Xoxo Hampton(aka gabe)