So today I had my appointment with the physiatrist and I got my diagnoses. And I am upset. To kinda quote Fallout Boy. It was more than I bargained for yah.
Happy weedmas to those who partake! Me? No, last time I tried I got too aware over the fact we don't have rearview windows in the back of our head which makes our designs as people not the greatest
Our eldest dog isn't going to well. We spent 5 hours at the emery vet last night. They told us they couldn't give us a solid reason why she was acting so lethargic and weak.
So I was suppose to have an hour long psychiatry appointment today to try to get official diagnoses for ADD/ADHD and depression. It was suppose to be at 3PM over the phone. At 3:10PM I call them because IDK Maybe I was suppose to call them. Turns out the doctor called in sick