Terezi Pyrope
3Friends 6Fans
female Daytona Beach, FL, United States
Your name is AMY NICOLE but no one calls you that. The current nickname of choice is TEREZI PYROPE. You find yourself ADDICTED TO HOMESTUCK AND SOCIAL NETWORKING. You like to think you're SHY AND DETACHED, but really, things are QUITE THE OPPOSITE
Terezi Pyrope
11 years ago
By the time you read this, I'll be gone.
Terezi Pyrope
11 years ago
nanomachines, shon
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
sandwiches + nicotine = happy Terezi
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
I think I might need serious help. I don't know what to do. I don't want to live. Someone please help
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
I'm useless. I'm a fuckup. what's the point in anything anymore
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
not happening
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
Going to try and sleep. Praying I don't wake up.
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
Fuck. I'm fat. I hate myself.
Terezi Pyrope
12 years ago
Biggest fuck up of all time, right here. Someone kill me.
Terezi Pyrope has
12 years ago
no where else to post things. No one will read this anyway. I'm so fucking done. I'm ready to die.