oops.... I keep meaning to sign on and say hi, but I keep forgetting. also, I think I may be a ghost right now cus Tom King killed me today when they released his 5 page story from the upcoming Action Comics 1000 issue...
fuck, it's cold out. I don't care if it was worse in Alaska, cus I'm cold NOW. this house normally stays fairly warm, so it just must be me just feeling cold still, since when we were driving home tonight it was -10.
double plurk but hey, I forgot to plurk for a few days. it's going to be a not so great week. got a call that one of the ladies in the church, who we're probably closest to (cus she does visitations with hubby and her brother would watch Bratling when I wasn't here and they had to visit the hospitals etc) found her brother dead on the couch yesterday morning