3Friends 1Fans
male Sweden
Webdeveloper from Sweden. Hooked on javascript and other web-related technologies. I have long experience of developing kick-ass solutions on the Lotus/domino platform. I run a few times a week while listening to music. I relax in front of the TV.
fstockel says
15 years ago
Lotusphere is just one week away. nice!
fstockel says
15 years ago 2
why am I still up, need to sleep...
fstockel says
15 years ago
work work work... never ending story :_9
fstockel says
15 years ago
Crystalized (the xx in the earphones)
fstockel says
15 years ago
got to finish a delivery today...must code, must code... so much todo, so litle time
fstockel thinks
15 years ago
its time for some java (not the sun brand)
fstockel says
15 years ago
it seems that the "plurk-prefix" (says/is et al) is more context-important in plurk than in other social-networks
fstockel is
15 years ago
Now I finally have some friends on plurk. Excellent!
fstockel is
15 years ago
plurk is yet another social experiment
fstockel is
15 years ago
Ok, now i know how to navigate in plurk.