26Friends 138Fans
male Utrecht, Netherlands
wearable computing specialist, synchronicity seeker, religious humanist, tanguero, psytrance lover, e-prime speaker, polyphasic sleeper

It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards
-Through the Looking Glass

3 months ago 1
i'm facebook tired, perhaps plurk will again bring some solace after all these years of absense
6 years ago
in other news, boliva is not dependent anymore on the imf and worldbank Bolivia Declares 'Total Independence' From...
6 years ago
read up on commentaries on the potential vatican - china deal to form an opinion. some people say pope francis is selling out catholicism to communism, not sure if that is true Francis Siefken (@[email protected])
6 years ago 4 @Edit 6 years ago
so, i'm back at plurk after an hiatus of almost 8y, can you believe it? all the time i though plurk had died permanently
fsiefken says
13 years ago
new neuro gadget on my wishlist ping.fm/J7FNp fits nicely with my shakti helmet and mind machines collection
fsiefken says
13 years ago 1
fetched kids from daycare, now rushing dinner to get them in bed asap so we can go for the 75E baby massage course (3x)
fsiefken says
13 years ago
installed f.lux on pc and ipad, to counter blue light melatonin disruption for late night work ping.fm/XpmYR
fsiefken says
13 years ago
we're together since 18y today - half of our lifetimes. j asks 'where was i?', you weren't there.. 'but where was i'? we don't 'know'
fsiefken says
13 years ago
reading article on steve jobs' buddhism, pleasently surprised by the trungpa connection ping.fm/ZXJeq
fsiefken says
13 years ago
visited terminally ill buddhist nephew with brother, chatted about family &his faith: