5Friends 6Fans
female Manado, Indonesia
A wonderful woman with the fight principals in the life.. I'm Catholic and loves Albert Einstein always...
11 years ago
Cm perkara beli kado aja udh bkin ribet gini, 10rb kan? Tenang aja, aq bakal bayar, stlh byr, aq gk mau terlibat sm kalian lagi!
frenchikong needs
11 years ago
my momy! :'-(
frenchikong says
11 years ago
wah.. bener" hrs ngebut belajar nih! Termotivasi sama temen" di paseban community :-D
11 years ago
akhirnya, bisa ngasih kado ultah buat mama tahun ini :-D seneng deh liat mama seneng :'
11 years ago
Jago sx --" Pas qt maso juara umum, mana qt p sertifikat? Kalo kwa qt nd perlu tu dy for kuliah, qt jga nd akan menuntut! Hsshhhh...
frenchikong says
11 years ago
kagak pke hati? Oke! I'll start from now! Huh
12 years ago
Where's my appreciation of the new charter? Is it gone? Ya! Might have lost 'cause it has no meaning! The most important abillity that is within them,not a value or reward :-P
frenchikong shares
12 years ago
my account plurk : frenchikong, search my plurk, add as friend and have fun with plurk
frenchikong feels
12 years ago
sleepy (LOL)
frenchikong wants
12 years ago
Photo session :-o