been a year, feeling like will never see you again
我突然想要把我對你的思念 轉為雲淡風輕 不再糾結不再執著 把你變成一種顏色 放在心中想念
missing you, and i hate not get in it
Are you living, or are you existing?
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of Life. Don't ask Life, "Why Me?" Instead, say: "WITH GOD BY MY SIDE, TRY ME!" zeen?
Love and Loyalty works 2 way. 1 person cant do it alone
要愛護自己的心跟肉體,打心底相信自己值得被珍惜,要是對方沒有選擇自己,可能傷心失望,但是可以尊重那是人家的選擇,自己的好處不是他尋找的那些,不是一面覺得自己好強好美麗,可是好怕被拋棄,那是哪門子的自信? --草莓圖騰
所謂成功 是不會拘泥在自己小框框裡的人 智慧是願意幫助別人