Franz r0g3rs..
67Friends 28Fans
female Carlos, Philippines
i love playing my guitar
loved music
loved hanging out
loved crazy stuffs.!!
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago 1
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
it's kinda booring :/ :-D may bagyo kasii ehh
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
you know i never wonna let somone right above you
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
i hate it knowing your soooo dumb about thinking she will ever loved you again.. ASA KA NAMAN KASI NG ASA SA WALA... (brokenheart) (doh)
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
boost pls......... (doh) (tears)
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
wonna spread the truth??? come with me let's do it just reponse here if you wonna share or shout or let what you feeling out COME ON.. :-)
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
anyone who is the last responser is the kindest.,cutest and any positive personality you are!! RESPONSE NOOW! (rofl)
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
happy holiday to all (dance) (drinking)
Franz r0g3rs..
12 years ago
boost plss :'-( karma down (doh)
Franz r0g3rs.. says
12 years ago
LA LA LA LA LA (music) LALA LA LA LA (rock)