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female Second life
Francesca says
12 years ago
anonymous plurking? What's the point of THAT?
Francesca says
12 years ago
fretting about one of the kitties, off to the vet this afternoon...
Francesca says
12 years ago
this is my laziest supposed work day ever...have spent more time napping with my cats than doing anything...gah!
Francesca shares
12 years ago
watching cat videos & looking at LolCats is good for your performance at work...we knew it all along!
Francesca shares
12 years ago
this makes me so happy!
Francesca shares
12 years ago
accident saves 1000 cats from being killed for food in Guangdong, China.
Francesca shares
12 years ago
I am way too familiar with this condition:
Francesca says
12 years ago
feeling a bit ragged this weird to wake up with a headache.
Francesca says
12 years ago
you're going to hate me for posting this: Pulcino Pio (Radio Globo)
Francesca says
12 years ago
posting this again because it's absolutely my favourite video of 2012: Dumb Ways to Die