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male Indonesia
Fradhyt Fahrenheit Adhyatmand penulsi novel bestseller BEAUTY FOR SALE dan BEAUTY FOR KILLING. Kedua novelnya masuk Daftar Buku Asia Pilihan Perpustakan Nasional AUSTRALIA. sbg Executive Creative Director telah berkarya lebih dari 350 iklan TV
fradhyt is
15 years ago 3
menandingi hujan dengan jeritan hati.....
fradhyt is
15 years ago 3
mata kananku berkedip2....tandanya apa ya?
fradhyt is
15 years ago 2
ada badai hujan dalam batinku!!!
fradhyt is
15 years ago 12
masih sibuk siap shooting iklan tv....aduh kapan nulis novelnya ya....?
fradhyt is
15 years ago 1
ooooooh besok masih libur toh?!
fradhyt is
15 years ago
lagi nulis tentang gigolo sama fenomena perawan perawan kadaluarsa deh
fradhyt is
15 years ago
lagi lanjutin nulis novel....dikejar deathline!
fradhyt is
15 years ago 2
Fradhyt Fahrenheit penulis novel bestseller BEAUTY FOR SALE dan BEAUTY FOR KILLING
fradhyt is
15 years ago
2nd winner and the best selling indonesian lifestyle novel of the year 2007 & 2008 : BEAUTY FOR SALE and BEAUTY FOR FRADHYT
fradhyt is
15 years ago
2nd winner and the best selling indonesian lifestyle novel of the year 07 & 08 : BEAUTY FOR SALE & BEAUTY FOR KILLING by FRADHYT FAHRENHEIT