4Friends 2Fans
Your friendly neighborhood Tayber. Writer, student, speech tutor, English & ESL tutor, and artistic opportunist. Likes magicians, thieves, hunters, and fallen angels.
9 years ago 5
omg the chick on Shannara Chronicles looks almost EXACTLY like Jensen Ackles in the face. Esp. the eyes.
9 years ago 9
HELLO. I'm alive! And getting to where I have room to breath. WHAT IS EVERYONE UP TO?
9 years ago 2
my fingers hurt and I'm so tired and cranky and I still have so much to do and I just want to write. So ready for this week to be over ughghg
9 years ago
So my dad and I went on a spontaneous midnight mission to retrieve my sister from her college (over an hour away) so that she could spend Thanksgiving at home. :-D wooo adventures! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
9 years ago 5
Okay so question, before I spend money I don't have, if you buy extra icons for DW, do you also need to have a paid account to even use them?
foolsgoldshines shares
9 years ago 37
loyalwolf, bgidget: So this happened... I feel like I put out cat kibble and lured in a pair of unicorns. Not bad for a first time trying this comm out....
9 years ago 3
(surfaces gasping for air) holy shit I thought that onslaught of school projects was never going to end. Soooo looking forward to the end of this semester
9 years ago
Okay. Big tag is done, catching up on aaaall the other tags tomorrow. Hooray for early-start weekends!
9 years ago 9
Rarest Muses?
9 years ago
Okay, still need to try and salvage basically all of my files ever, but at least I've got a working computer again! (dances)