115Friends 14Fans
Second life
my name is sebs call me Sebastian if ya wanna be boring

I use mirror pronouns

I moved from q i used to be .foodtheory

I am blind(not as a joke. I am actually blind)
2 weeks ago 1
what is the point of plural coins ? like what do they do
2 weeks ago
Every "online autism test" is like

Question 1: Do you struggle with answering ambiguous or unclear questions?


Question 2: Are sounds good?

2 weeks ago 1
alright here we go

this one's for "stupid" mentally disabled people. people who can't do basic math. people who are gullible to no fault of their own. people who can't understand nuance in some situations. people with cognitive issues. intellectually disabled people.

hey, you're doin' just fine. doing a great job, even! don't put yourself down or (1/2)
2 weeks ago 1
a bottom-tier autistic experience is being told throughout your entire childhood that you are just an overthinker when it comes to social situations and later finding out that your friends did, in fact, hate being around you and tried to communicate that through weird little hints
2 weeks ago 1
i honestly forget that autism mums say 'autism won today' to mean like their kid had a meltdown and that they are ableist. like nooo autism win means something like i found something cool out about my special interest or i managed to avoid a meltdown or i got to infodump!!!!! autism win is good!!!!!!
2 weeks ago 1 @Edit 2 weeks ago
Adults: Following rules is good, not following rules is bad

Little me: Okay :] follows a rule

Adults: Oh my god look at this loser. She doesn't know that this rule is Secretly Okay To Not Follow. Dumbass. Let's all laugh at her
2 weeks ago
when the autism is being an actual mental health problem instead of making me obsess over fictional characters again:
2 weeks ago
are you a lego man

- Anonymous
i am batmanSend foodtheory a friendly message - Kubool
2 weeks ago
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

- Anonymous
mrow:3Send foodtheory a friendly message - Kubool
2 weeks ago
don't kill the part of you that's cringe, kill the part of you that cringes