113Friends 11Fans
Second life
my name is sebs call me Sebastian if ya wanna be boring

I use mirror pronouns

I moved from q i used to be .foodtheory

I am blind(not as a joke. I am actually blind)
2 days ago 3
i hate that i wasn't able to go to the trilogy tour !! :-((😭
2 days ago 2
warning for talks about genitals and brief talks about infections ig idrk

ok but thinking about how when i was younger i used to use deodorant and perfume in my vagina because i kept seeing those like products made for "making them smell better" and i couldn't afford them. and then i got an infection. 😝 yeah vaginas are not supposed to smell good. (1/2)
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
happy (late) Genderfluid Visibility Day , Alan Turing Day , UpStairs Lounge Arson Attack Remembrance Day , 2022 Oslo Pride Shooting Remembrance Day , and Marriage Equality Day (US) !!
2 days ago 1
happy pride to all my aspecs and arospecs out there

happy pride to asexuals

happy pride to aromantics

happy pride to aplatonics

happy pride to aroaces

happy pride to alloaces

happy pride to alloaros

happy pride to het aces/aros

happy pride to demi romantics/sexuals

happy pride to grey romantics/sexuals

happy pride to ace/arospecs in platonic, (1/2)
4 days ago my baby <333
4 days ago
AAAGGHHHH how do i draw dog ears im trying to give myself dog ears
4 days ago
i literally can't hear the word 'smile' anymore without thinking of smile hd 💀
5 days ago 4
!! please interact !!
may i please have some help on how to go to bed earlier😭?? as of recently ive been waking up at 12pm and going to bed at around 6am🥲 I used to be going to bed at 10-12am and waking up at 6am but now i keep staying up late on my phone/laptop
5 days ago 1
"there are too many things to boycott"

yeah there are. and isn't that fucked up? isn't it fucked up that so many companies, restaurants, brands, clothing stores, etc care more about money than people? care more about profit margins than people dying or the planet being poisoned?
5 days ago
hello. this is your daily reminder to go be a creature