4Friends 4Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
floering feels
16 years ago
the economic crunch, has to endure a 10% pay cut starting next month :'-(
floering thinks
16 years ago
two-day meetings are fun, but exhausting
floering hates
16 years ago 2
that he has no cell coverage at work and doesn't get texts until he arrives home :-(
floering wonders
16 years ago 6
if dguanlao and Beanz are up for some zombie killing
floering likes
16 years ago
floering is
16 years ago 3
sad that his vacation is almost over
floering is
16 years ago
in North Carolina vacationing, picked up a friend's OCaml book... interesting
floering is
16 years ago 2
heading home late. Hoping the guys still want to get together
floering likes
16 years ago
syntactic confectionary delight
floering wonders
16 years ago
where Ted is