54Friends 49Fans
male Augusta, GA, United States
4 years ago 2
New keyboard is out for delivery today! Woo!
4 years ago 3
I was recently reminded of this site. Are you guys still alive?
fireshaper says
9 years ago
I really can't believe that Plurk is still around. But glad to see my friends still plurking away!
10 years ago 1
I really can't believe that Plurk is still around. Hey everyone! :-D
fireshaper shares
12 years ago
fireshaper asks
12 years ago
Anyone playing SimCity 2013?
12 years ago
Happy Pi Day!
12 years ago 2
I haven't logged into Plurk in so long, not to mention I haven't been on SL for a while either. I think SL has just dropped off my radar lately and I haven't had a real desire to go back.
fireshaper says
12 years ago
Celebrated Cinco de Mayo a day early! Now I'm stuffed.
fireshaper says
12 years ago 3
Bills are paid and I still have some money left this week! YAY!