Shounen Rage
56Friends 11Fans
female Sparks, NV, United States
Ryoga Hibiki

Sven Vollfied || Yusuke Urameshi || Kogoro Mouri

Heiji Hattori
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 28
Karma freeze is enabled and there will be some drops posts later today.
Shounen Rage
13 years ago
Just have work left. Then I can flop. |D
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 12
Hi hi xD
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 15
And one for karma recovery
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 148
Lost all that karma xD
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 5
The snow is already melting. Nevada sucks. xD
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 2
Oh. My. God. I can't see a damn thing outside d:
Shounen Rage
13 years ago 1
Now that the wind is adequately creepy enough I am going to sleep. Maybe. (unsure)