61Friends 34Fans
female MI, United States

This is mostly for my RP contacts, but friend me anyway, if you want.
Sherlock - desecrated
I will not type this on the post it was meant for... I will not type this on the post it was meant for...
[Falcon and Winter Soldier] https://images.plurk.com/J7xuPy3NMHF0iX3RKGj1z.png
[Loki] [major spoilers, please don't click unless you've seen it or just don't care about being spoiled, feel free to mute if you'd rather not.]
Hi Thor, those are some pretty good thunderstorms.
I finally got a copy of D'Urbervilles.
who needed that PC gamer from 2001?
fuck why is it so hot
throws myself into the fucking sun
karma plurk! I've had some good threads lately <3