King of Games
98Friends 48Fans
female Silicon Valley, United States
- Maximilien | Deputy Pratt | Yufei
- Imbros

Muse List
King of Games
2 months ago 52
Put Imbros up on the TDM: https://ph-memes.dreamwi...
King of Games
2 months ago 23
There's so many Max's and Furiosa's posting lately. I'm so happy.
King of Games
2 months ago 25
My local dominos ran out of pizza dough today.
King of Games
2 months ago 34
I want one specific panel from a comic for a thread but all my Suicide Squad comics are in one of the 20 long boxes stacked 5 high in the closet. Which one? Who knows.
King of Games
2 months ago 17
Sat down to do all my lovely tags and then got a text message with an OTP for Paypal and went, huh, thats weird. Then I got 2 more so someone was trying to log into my account. I log in to change my password and Paypal WILL NOT load the change pass word OR the 2 factor authentication page. And turns out you can't delete all payment options.
King of Games
2 months ago 3
Weekly Meme Roundup:
Blas Cap at Dear Player
The Alcohol Demon at TFLN
Diablo at TFLN
King of Games
2 months ago 16
Furiosa: Good.
King of Games
2 months ago 31
[spider picture inside] Tho here's a mourning dove grabbing a snack.
King of Games
2 months ago 21 Oh to be a cat in a blanket fort.
King of Games
2 months ago 25 @Edit 2 months ago
Hello friends, I'm planning a short vacation to Chicago for my birthday. Any must sees you can recommend? We're planning on the Shedd aquarium and Field museum.