fiefie 2Q12
20Friends 85Fans
female Hong Kong
典型雙魚,喜歡憂鬱和鬱金香。愛幻想,天馬行空,90%的時間是做白日夢…常活在自己的理想夢幻世界。做事謹慎細心,有時會不理智。不懂音律但熱愛音樂,尤其傷感情歌。多愁善感,容易流淚,卻也很愛笑。吉他、筆墨和烘爐是心情不好時的良伴。對語言很感興趣,特別是法語,瘋狂法國文化、法式甜品、anything French。擁有双重性格,好静亦喜動,酷愛藝術和博物館、運動和大自然。一生憧憬愛情、渴望浪漫、尋找幸福,同時不忘追求實現夢想。相信星座,對緣分和命運更是深信不疑,覺得生命裏沒有巧合,一切只是命中注定的。
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
why does ROM ask for so many things in its e-file.. (doh)
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
why does ROM ask for so many things in its e-file.. (doh)
fiefie 2Q12 loves
12 years ago 1
sch holidays! She gets to the interchange 10 mins faster, and gets a seat throughout the MRT journey too!
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago 2
hmm.. fb updates from friend that NEL is down..
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago 2
It's Friday the 13th!!
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
it doesn't make our rides better by greeting us good morning over announcements. Make it better by improving your SERVICE instead!!
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
omg... Another those young girls who think they dress nicely and YET sit with their legs wide open on public transport...
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago 15
SBS919B bus driver, you're going to get it from me.
fiefie 2Q12
12 years ago
felt like she was suffocating inside the con air train. And it doesn't help when there's foul smell coming from some ppl