103Friends 12Fans
female Mondovi, WI, United States
I teach 8-12 grade math at a rural school in WI.
Samantha says
13 years ago 1
It has been a long Thanksgiving break! One more day and then back to the grindstone!
Samantha says
13 years ago 3
Good Morning Everyone! (dance_okok)
Samantha says
13 years ago 8
i am back on Plurk! i had a hard time keeping up with everything, but I have an iphone now and I have added the Plurk app!! :-D
Samantha says
13 years ago 3
Good Morning from WI! (droid_dance)
Samantha asks
13 years ago
does anyone know how to set up sticlassroom with weighted categories and still have it show points (not %'s) in the gradebook?
Samantha says
13 years ago 3
Samantha says
14 years ago
TGIF (rock)
Samantha asks
14 years ago 12
Good Morning! (wave)
Samantha asks
14 years ago
for help deciding which of my students gets bonus points for the best wiki, please vote if you have time: newauburngeometrytriangl...
Samantha asks
14 years ago 10
good morning