6Friends 6Fans
female placer, Philippines
fairie18 says
14 years ago 3
rainy season na.........sarap matulog!!!!!
fairie18 says
14 years ago 2
i don't understand why destiny allowed people to meet.....when there's no way for them to be together
fairie18 says
14 years ago
life is too short to stress urself wth pipol hu dont even deserve to be an issue in ur lyf...
fairie18 says
14 years ago
dey r there olredi...so better stay at my comfort zone..hmmmmmmm
fairie18 says
14 years ago 2
dey r there olredi so better stay at my comfort zone...hehehehe
fairie18 says
14 years ago
thanks for the gift...super appreciated as in...thank u thank u....lol
fairie18 says
14 years ago
i take one step away..but i find myself coming back to you..my one and only,one and only YOU..
fairie18 says
14 years ago
back to work
fairie18 is
14 years ago
excited to go home.......wow wow weeeeeee
fairie18 says
14 years ago 2
they finally found something that does the work of 10 men......A WOMAN