・゚✧ ℓυcια
27Friends 1Fans
Magnolia, Fiore, United States
l u c i a / /
● noragami and ygo! arc-v fan
● writer and roleplayer
● graphics amateur

Gonna start on tags now~
Hey guys, I'm really sorry I haven't been getting to tags ;; Job hunting is taking a lot more out of me than I thought.
Hokay, so before I reapp., would someone mind reviewing what I have? (I fleshed it out a bit since I last apped.) Also, I have a question (ITP).
[RP] State of the RP-ish...?
I have returned from the formidable trial that was my final semester at college!
Hi, everyone o/
[Arc-V] Ohhh man (spoilers)
Hey, everyone! I'm done with finals and have mostly settled in at home, so I hope I can get things done starting tomorrow~