Xiao HonGou
34Friends 29Fans
male TaiPEi/HShinCHu, Taiwan
Xiao HonGou
10 years ago
Xiao HonGou 正在
11 years ago
(music) While the bulk of Ansermets recordings were made with LOrchestre de la Susise Romande, there were a few with the Paris Conservatoire Orchestra and the very occasional foray into recordings with London orchestras, one of these being with the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, in 1959 with producer Michael Williamson and engineer Kenneth Wilkinson in tow at Londons Kingsway Hall.Royal Ballet Gala 佳佳居然有這張^^
Xiao HonGou 正在
11 years ago
(music) 錄音很棒!Shop for music deals on CDs, MP3 songs and albums, and vinyl records by Janos Starker and more.Virtuoso Music for Cello
Xiao HonGou
11 years ago
硬梆梆!終於到家了!老闆也太神,到家都還沒換褲子,電話就到了!= =凸
Xiao HonGou 正在
11 years ago
今天也太累了吧!早上七點半起床,八點收完東西吃早餐。九點從高雄福華出發往大甲媽祖廟。買完餅吃完飯又往石碇出發買茶葉。品茶一個小時又往台北333 Quote Check in。到台北已經是五點多了。回到家停好車,六點又出發去寧夏夜市再去龍凰號吃滷肉飯配肉羹,七點半又到101觀景台,十點出來又跑士林夜市,逛到12點又去誠品敦南店晃一下。到家又一點了= =+ 明天還有陽明山與淡水。哇哩勒!
Xiao HonGou 正在
11 years ago