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male Taipei, Taiwan
evilwaffle says
13 years ago
I am worrying now that I could not get away from the road that he walked before especially it result in the tragedy. The desire&confuse ...
evilwaffle says
13 years ago
Is it doomed that I follow the same way as dad's? Why he picker up the girls with the certain criteria? Yes, I think I can understand now.
evilwaffle is
13 years ago
the one make u crazy is somehow good and bad, but maybe make me peaceful is better since I'd focus more on the business and personal target.
evilwaffle is
13 years ago
realize abt the type of lover: one is being with u like family, another one is being with u that u dreaming for, the later one make u crazy.
evilwaffle is
13 years ago
The feeling inside is very very different when you move on w/o boss ahead of you.it's amazing feeling, unknown can make you exciting or fear
evilwaffle is
13 years ago
2/7, 2011/ the very good new! from Hult for scholarship. Thanks God. It is very good proof for my efforts. Very appreciated!
evilwaffle shares
13 years ago
I know God must have given some expectations on me thus I will lose all the things as long as I claim and speak out for my satisfaction.
evilwaffle is
13 years ago
evilwaffle says
13 years ago
It's the second time that I m asked to work during the new year holidays. Should say thank you , I guess....