420Friends 266Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
ESONLINE Ent, Inc. CEO/ eComm/mComm/daytrader/global business. Besides the Plurkiverse, You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and several other social network spots. (Eddie Soto or esonline) Play nice, eh?!!
4 years ago Been missing the Plurkiverse!!
4 years ago
Is this the real life... or is it just fantasy? Missing ya all, Plurkiverse!
esonline says
8 years ago
(wave) been a while, Plurkees! Been bragging about ya. Play nice. C U again soon. -es
esonline says
11 years ago 4
:-) Missing My Fellow Plurkies In The Plurkiverse! Hope You're Doing Well!! Soon.
esonline says
12 years ago 1
Lake Shore Drive was a mess earlier tonight. Nice to have caught the fireworks at Chicago's Lakefront though. :-)
esonline says
12 years ago
Wishing You A Terrific Tuesday! -- Thankful... as we should be every day.
esonline says
12 years ago 1
A Blessed Sunday To You And Yours! :-)
esonline says
12 years ago
Up early to catch a beautiful sunrise on this Saturday! Make smiles happen! :-)
esonline says
12 years ago 2
An Outstanding T.G.I.F. To You!! :-)
esonline says
12 years ago 1
A Fun And Productive Thursday To You! Stay cool and be careful outdoors. Heat index reaching 100+.