4Friends 0Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
enthroned loves
14 years ago 2
being able to catch up with people once again! ...Not so much running errands though :-(
enthroned thinks
15 years ago
Togainu no chi cosplay will be really fun to do *A*. .... What am I on D:
enthroned is
15 years ago 3
wondering why do I even bother with some people :-( It's like talking to a brick wall!
enthroned hates
15 years ago
that people enjoy jumping to conclusions, without actually verifying what's going on. It's really very very disappointing! :-(
enthroned loves
15 years ago
the rain! Cold weather is always the best
enthroned feels
15 years ago
sooo sleepy and tired lately! Had a nap today and still tired, oops.
enthroned is
15 years ago 3
finally exploring/using Plurk! @_@ oh boy