36Friends 1Fans
female Columbus, OH, United States
15 years ago 7
I thought that it was very interesting how in "Sexy" Miranda tried to be closer not just to Dev but his culture. And she moved to Boston...
15 years ago 2
I thought it was ironic that in "She Unnames Them" Le Guin mentions Eliot. It is a very modernist thing, and he was a very modernist person.
15 years ago 6
I could never decide if Roberta's mom in Recitatif was really "sick" or if that really meant something else like "dancing" did.
15 years ago 1
so I definitely got some Whitman flashbacks while reading the first part of Howl... with all the repetitions and "lists" of people
15 years ago 4
the quote "I could see rows of blurred faces-then suddenly I was blinded and felt myself crash into the man ahead of me" reminds me of...
15 years ago 3
I have been thinking about the statue in NYC of the Invisible Man, and how appropriate it is that he is a cut out from a piece of metal...
15 years ago 4
during the Invisible Man's speech he repeats "we're a wise, law-abiding people" many times. It reminds me of Washington: "We are not bitter"
15 years ago 6
the part about the factory hospital reminded me of A Clockwork Orange. "And suddenly my bewilderment suspended and I wanted to be angry...
15 years ago 1
Ok I am very sorry to ask but I can't remember if we are supposed to read to chapter 7 or to the end of ch 7...
15 years ago 1
I think that the quote about Dr. Bledsoe "His hand was large and strangely limp" (end of ch 6) is very illuminating into his real character