1Friends 1Fans
male Singapore
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ is
15 years ago
feeling b0red D=
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ says
15 years ago
he wanna buy maplesea mesos pm him in msn!!! he needs it URGENTLY!!!
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ is
15 years ago
watching Whose Line Is It Anyway on youtube :-D!!
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ feels
15 years ago 2
like joining back maple private server :-o ... he kinda miss his friends there :-(
finally knows how to tap in wolfteam!! yay!!! :-D
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ has
15 years ago
finally learned most of the jumpstyle tricks :-D BUT he hasn't mastered them :-o
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ is
15 years ago
having a headache, :-(
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ is
15 years ago
tired of playing wolfteam...anyone has a good game to recommend to him..? :-P
ϞѐмокїѝʛϞ™ is
15 years ago
Feeling Soooo Boreddd :-o... Anybody Wants To Go Out With Him..? :-D