52Friends 15Fans
female Baltimore, MD, United States
Upper school tech coordinator & Teacher and all-around fun-loving person. I believe that everyone has the ability to be creative.
emilyletras asks
14 years ago 7
any other Edmodo users out there? My students love using it and I feel like they really listen to users requests for improvements.
emilyletras wonders
14 years ago 7
what you think of this recent Newsweek article on the decline of creativity in America. We need to do more! www.newsweek.com/2010/07...
emilyletras says
14 years ago 2
Good night everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome! Talk to you more tomorrow
emilyletras is
14 years ago 26
exploring Plurk-I'm used to Twitter but this seems like it might be a better fit for me.Anyone else switch to Plurk from Twitter? Pros/cons?