26Friends 17Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Web geek in disguise...two members of the Breakfast Club melted together.
16 years ago
My 2009 budget is SO going to have a "trained monkey" on it. A REAL monkey.
16 years ago 1
There are too many women unable to tell what are dresses and what are shirts. We need a citywide intervention
16 years ago
I totally called that as soon as I waled out of work it'd start raining.
emilyAP is
16 years ago
almost done with work for the day.
16 years ago
I'm on the train witha hen party going downtown. Suddenly I miss the eL.
16 years ago
Team RamRod is back on top!!
16 years ago
just came across the first Twitterstream Internet jargon...lol...how fast things are integrated into the popular culture.
emilyAP asks
16 years ago 1
if you were a 14y.o. girl, what souvenir would you want from Chicago? This is perplexing.
16 years ago 1
I was going to outsource the grocery shopping to Peapod, but after today, I need to calm down surrounded by gourmet food.
emilyAP is
16 years ago 2
having ONE OF THOSE DAYS OMG. (s_angry)