48Friends 52Fans
female Wilmington, NC, United States
Owner of .:ellabella:. piercing and jewelry store.
Ellantha shares
10 years ago
New nephew is upon us! Here he is bein' cuddled by his 3 year old big bro.. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/75065_10200335918559675_973997302_n.jpg
Ellantha says
10 years ago 1
My sister is law is having her baby today. Here's to another nephew to add to the collection. XD
Ellantha says
10 years ago
Still awake doing texture work. Not looking forward to sprinting across the yard in flip flops to crank the car up.
Ellantha shares
10 years ago 2
Ellantha says
10 years ago
Kid is home from school again. Let's see if any actual work gets done with him moping about behind me.
Ellantha says
10 years ago
I feel ridiculous about how sad I am that I really can't afford a full Ohmai Animal Spice collection for only 190$. :'-(
Ellantha says
10 years ago
I'm sorting my Body folder so obviously I'll never be able to find a damn thing again.
Ellantha says
10 years ago 2
I'm gonna admit it: the Cute Azz is really well shaped but it will NOT fit me without a gap, no matter how I edit my shape. I just can't go skinny enough for it even with all 0s.
Ellantha says
10 years ago
Son had a SUPER day! He had no episodes, listened to instructions, and finished all of his work. I'm happy. (woot)
Ellantha says
10 years ago
DDR TIME! (dance dance revolution to those who don't know) :-D