79Friends 75Fans
female Roanoke, VA, United States
Instructional Technology Resource Teacher
elemitrt wonders
15 years ago
if you please leave a comment on teacher projects? Trying to help them see the power of a global audience. tinyurl.com/d29tf6
elemitrt is
15 years ago 1
excited about NCTIES!! Packing right now!
elemitrt needs
15 years ago 2
an app that allows me to follow others' twitters and plurks at the same time. Is there such a thing? Like tweetdeck w/ plurk capabilities?
elemitrt needs
15 years ago 3
a good slogan to reduce printing (something like save trees, print less) but catchy for elementary kids....ideas?
elemitrt needs
16 years ago 7
examples of 3rd-5th grade wikis to persuade a group of teachers to try. Anyone have any good ones?
elemitrt wonders
16 years ago 1
what others use to set up a listserv.
elemitrt is
16 years ago 1
really liking the new look of friendfeed. It really makes keeping up with my favorite people much easier!
elemitrt is
16 years ago 3
wondering if it's a new or full moon or if snow is coming. People were crazy today.
elemitrt is
16 years ago 7
refusing to do work tonight after a long day. Realizing it's been forever since I've plurked, twittered, facebooked or anything else social.
elemitrt is
16 years ago 2
very happy the Lab and Resource Scheduler now allows reoccurring events. Yeah!