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Texas, United States
any pronouns, gender is just a red herring

Duplicity: Eliot Waugh (burned_peach)
Yesterday 5
[rl] cw: pet health talk
2 weeks ago 12
things i want for eliot at some point: for him to adopt just the scraggliest, most cursed-looking cat. pic related https://images.plurk.com/6El6mALZiRJCL9b9AXfjKU.jpg
2 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/7vFJLHevbgQbIZ6n4AU11l.jpg if gilfmode varric bites it im gonna turn solas into a bloomin onion
3 weeks ago 10
here, enjoy some out of context eliot content from the depths of my camera roll https://images.plurk.com/2gTFY1k36KE9PBDoVe2POL.gif
3 weeks ago 9
Eliot's finder at last
1 months ago
anybody have experience with non-kindle ereaders? my town doesn't have a bookstore so it's the easiest way for me to read but if i can get away with not giving amazon more of my money i'd like to lmao
1 months ago
yaaay tornado warning
1 months ago
alright, i've had a pretty shitty last couple of days, but i'm gonna work on my tags and not think about it for a lil bit. if anyone has any memes/funny tiktoks/pictures of your pets being cute or anything along those lines to share, they would be greatly appreciated
1 months ago 4
plotting comment for Eliot
1 months ago 1
Just got back from the movies, they were still showing the phantom menace so i took the nephews to see it. It was their first star wars, and the younger ones first time in a movie theater at all, and luckily they both had a blast