had blood work done today to test for a whole load of stuff, but also lyme and RA, cus hey I'd like a proper fibro diagnoses so I can deal with this nonsense.
I think I might have to switch away from the T patches as much as I wanna use them ;-; each time the red mark is staying longer and longer and this time it left not quite hives underneath and iiitchy and ug.
I love creepy abusive ex's coming out the woodwork to 'apologize' but when I don't accept it then go right back to blaming meeee for their buuulllshit. own up to your shit, dont blame me.
of course my insurance is being my insurance and despite the fact we called them asking about this before ever choosing the patches and were told all good they are making it a thing and now I'm waiting for several more days to find out if I can use the patches. awesome.