48Friends 99Fans
male New Orleans, LA, United States
edythemighty says
12 years ago
#AmericanReunion was great. Just as you're getting off the last joke, they suckerpunch you with another.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
First World problem: too many boxes.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Every time the BOC comes up, I'm on the road and don't get to buy it :-(
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Estrenando la paellera.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
First bass lesson next week. Might stop sucking soon.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Out in Lafitte
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Hace tanto tiempo que no como Kinder Bueno. This is heaven.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Moose and squirrel
edythemighty says
12 years ago
I have the complete Destiny set in Zenonia! Truly my greatest accomplishment to date.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
No hay lugar en New Orleans que haga san