48Friends 99Fans
male New Orleans, LA, United States
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Listening to ABBA. Yes, that is a noteworthy occurrence.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Put movie on Netflix queue. Walk in next day on Dad halfway through movie, spoiling the ending.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Today's blond moment: rubbing my eyes with salt and lemon covered hands.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Anthony Anderson looks weird skinny.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little - Epicurus
edythemighty says
12 years ago
Muhiad really wants to keep me around it seems
edythemighty says
12 years ago
All I can smell now is coconut and cinnamon.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
RIP Jim Marshall
edythemighty says
12 years ago
William Shatner dubstep remix.
edythemighty says
12 years ago
The lightning just keeps coming. Feels like a disco. Strangely, no thunder.